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Privacy policy

The websites of SITA Messtechnik GmbH are operated in compliance with the GDPR and other statutory regulations applicable for the protection of personal data. Below you will learn what data is collected and how SITA Messtechnik GmbH handles this data.


Contact information of SITA Messtechnik GmbH

The responsible party (controller), as defined in the General Data Protection Regulation and other applicable data protection laws and other regulations with data protection implications in the Member States of the European Union, is:

SITA Messtechnik GmbH

Gostritzer Str. 63, 01217 Dresden, Germany

Please note that we have as of now a new phone and fax number!
Tel.: +49 351 288 53-0

Fax: +49 351 288 53-199

Email: info@sita-messtechnik.de

Web: www.sita-messtechnik.de


Data protection officer

The data protection officer is Lars Schümann


SITA Messtechnik GmbH Gostritzer Str. 63

01217 Dresden


Tel.: +49 351 288 53-0

Email: datenschutz@sita-messtechnik.de

For any questions or suggestions concerning data protection you can contact our data protection officer directly at any time.


Collection and processing of general data and information

When accessing our website, information is automatically reported to our website server. The data is stored temporarily in so-called logfiles. The logfiles are stored until they are automatically deleted. This data involves:

  • IP address of the requested computer
  • Data and time of the access
  • Name and URL of the accessed file
  • Website from which the access occurs (referrer URL)
  • Browser used, operating system possibly used.


The data is used for the following purposes:

  • Ensuring the smooth establishment of a connection
  • Ensuring convenient use of the website
  • Evaluation of system security and stability


The legal basis is Article 6(1)(1)(f) GDPR. The logged data will be deleted promptly.

We only collect personal data, specifically name, address, telephone number or email address, if this data is made available to us voluntarily (e.g. through contact inquiries), and based on the consent given we are entitled or obligated by statutory regulations, to process, store and use the data, or if the data is required to transact the contract relationship and there is no reason to assume that there is an overriding legitimate interest in not passing on the data (Article 6 (1)(1) (a,b,c)(f) GDPR)

We only use the data entrusted to us for the purpose for which it was entrusted to us; i.e. to respond to your inquiry, to provide information material, for provision of additional information and for order processing. The data processing occurs in accordance with Article 6(1)(1)(a) GDPR. The data you provide as part of an inquiry will be deleted after completion of the inquiry and in compliance with statutory retention obligations.


Use of cookies

The websites of SITA Messtechnik GmbH only use cookies of Google Analytics. Cookies are data files that are stored on the computer system of the user by the Internet browser. The legal basis for this is Article 6(1)(f) GDPR. Temporary cookies are deleted when exiting the homepage.

If you do not want to use cookies, simply have them deleted via the menu of your browser, and have the setting of cookies permanently disabled.


Use of Google Analytics

The websites of SITA Messtechnik GmbH use Google Analytics, a web analysis service of Google Inc. ("Google"). This use occurs on the basis of Article 6(1)(f) GDPR. This is a web analysis service of Google Inc. (https://www.google.com/intl/com/about/) (1600 Amphitheatre Parkway, Mountain View, CA 94043, USA; hereinafter "Google"). For this purpose we have entered into a job processing agreement with Google.

Google Analytics uses so-called "cookies", text files that are stored on your computer and that allow an analysis of your use of the website. As a rule, the information generated by the cookie about your use of this website will be transferred to a Google server in the USA and stored there. Due to the activation of IP anonymisation on this website, your IP address will be shortened by Google beforehand within the Member States of the European Union, or in other States party to the Agreement on the European Economic Area. The full IP address will only be transmitted to a Google server in the USA and shortened there in exceptional cases. On behalf of the operator of this website, Google will use this information to evaluate your use of the website, to produce reports on website activities and to provide other services related to the use of the website and of the Internet to the operator of the website. The IP address communicated by your browser in conjunction with Google Analytics will not be linked by Google with other data. You can prevent the use of cookies through an appropriate setting of your browser software; however, we expressly state that in this case it is possible that you will not be able to use all the functions of this website to their full extent. You can also prevent Google from collecting and processing the data generated by the cookie about your use of the website (including your IP address) by downloading and installing the browser plug-in available at the following link (https://tools.google.com/dlpage/gaoptout?hl=en).


More detailed information concerning the terms of use and data protection are provided at https://www.google.com/analytics/terms/us.html

or at


We expressly state that on this website Google Analytics has been extended with the code "gat._anonymizeIp()" to ensure anonymised collection of IP addresses (so-called IP masking).


Contact form and e-mail (news@sita-messtechnik.de)

You have the possibility of entering into contact with us via the contact form on the websites of SITA Messtechnik GmbH, or the specified e-mail address, and via telephone. Your personal data is processed exclusively on the basis of your consent, or on the basis of statutory regulation that entitles us to process, store and use your data. You can revoke this consent at any time. An informal communication sent to us via e-mail suffices in this regard. The legality of the data processing that occurred until the revocation remains unaffected by the revocation.

The personal data that we collect, specifically your name, your address, telephone number or e-mail address is used solely for the internal processing of your inquiry. SITA Messtechnik GmbH only uses the data entrusted to us for the purpose for which it was entrusted to us; i.e. to respond to your inquiry, to provide advertising material, for provision of additional information and for order processing. For execution or to initiate a possible contractual relationship it may be necessary to pass data on to our international sales partners. If data is passed on to the responsible sales partners you will be informed. Data will only be transmitted in the scope in which it is actually required. A forwarding of the data to third parties does not take place.


Rights of affected persons (data subjects) / right to object:

You have the right:

  • In accordance with Article 15 GDPR to demand information from us concerning your personal data that is processed by us. In particular, you can demand information concerning the purposes of the processing, the category of the personal data, the categories of recipients to whom your data has been or will be disclosed, the planned duration of storage, the existence of a right of correction, deletion, restriction of, or objection to the processing, the existence of a right of appeal, and concerning the existence of an automated decision-making procedure, including profiling and if necessary you (the data subject) can demand meaningful information concerning the details thereof;
  • In accordance with Article 16 GDPR to demand the immediate correction or completion of your personal data stored by our company;
  • In accordance with Article 18 GDPR to demand the restriction of the processing of the personal data if the correctness of the data is disputed by you, the processing is unlawful, and you however refuse its deletion and we no longer need the data, you however need the information for establishment, exercise or defence of legal claims, or if in accordance with Article 21 GDPR you have lodged an objection to the process;
  • In accordance with Article 20 GDPR to demand that you receive the personal data that you have provided to us in a structured, prevalent and machine-readable format or transmission of said personal data to a different responsible party (controller);
  • In accordance with Article 7(3) GDPR to revoke at any time the consent that you have granted to us. Consequently, in the future we are no longer allowed to continue with the data processing on which this consent was based and
  • In accordance with Article 77 GDPR to contact the competent supervisory authority.

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A business unit of SITA Messtechnik GmbH.

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