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SITA laboratory measuring technology

SITA Lab Solutions offers robust and flexible measuring devices for research & development as well as for quality control. Our products are sucessfully used in different industries worldwide.

SITA Tensiometer for laboratory use and quality control

Foam characteristics of liquids are tested automatically and reproducible with the SITA FoamTester.

Die Markteinführung des SITA FoamTester wird gefördert im Rahmen des Förderungsprogramms "Markteinführung innovativer Produkte und Produktdesign".

Using experiences

We offer application and service from simple measurement up to complete problem solutions.


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Your Notepad

  • Optimised product development of surfactant containing products regarding their foamabilitydelete

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© SITA Lab Solutions 2019

A business unit of SITA Messtechnik GmbH.

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